Greetings Area 53 Trusted Servants,
You are invited to a Third Legacy Meeting to study The AA Service Manual - Twelve Concepts for World Service. Many of us recognize we ought to be studying this important book to become better informed about AA's service structure and the principles which guide us as we serve. This meeting will not be an AA group, but rather an informal meeting of members interested in service. This meeting will be hosted by a small team of area officers and standing committee chairs.
We hope to begin meeting on Monday, May 8th at 7:00pm EST for one hour get-togethers.
We'll open with the Serenity Prayer to help us focus on our Higher Power's direction and we'll close with The Responsibility Statement at or near 8:00pm.
There will be opportunities for questions or discussion throughout the meeting. While we hope to provide an opportunity for all to become better informed about AA's service structure and principles, this will not be a forum for discussing area or district business. Those conversations appropriately belong in district or area meetings. However, we do hope that this study will have the benefit of supporting an informed group conscience at those levels.
Zoom Meeting ID: 858 0529 5384
Passcode: Service