Bill F., Past Delegate, Past ECR Trustee
I was first selected to serve as our home group rep to the Dayton Area Intergroup. I explained to the old timer that "I didn't have a car!" so Chris motioned over a member Bob, telling Bob to drive me to the meeting in downtown Dayton, Ohio. Bob transported me to the meetings. I returned to the meeting, sharing my notes which I faithfully read at each meeting when announcements were requested.
When I moved to the Mid-Ohio Valley I served as the Intergroup Treasurer leading to serving in many positions of service in our service structure. This service has enhanced my sobriety by growing my knowledge of AA, my familiarity with our literature our shared history which I can share with others in our twelve-step work. Know better - do better.
Thanks to service, this is the best life I have known.
Dan S. Home Group: The Columbus 1728 Group, Treasurer
"Grow Or Die". Some of you will recognize that phrase as a renowned saying of Area 53's own John G. After we put the drink down, the challenge is now to grow up. Opportunities I have had to be of service have helped me to mature. I wish I could say I have taken advantage of every opportunity, but I have not. Working with others helps me to see I have unwarranted demands I can place on circumstances and others around me. The common solution we have - our design for living - guides me to weed out these immature and impossible demands. When I take action to benefit the welfare of another - at the group level or below the group level - I am leaving these demands behind.
Sitting outside a church on a hot summer day listening to another alcoholic tell his story or taking a GSR School to Portsmouth or Marysville on a Saturday afternoon - any activity that is geared toward me giving as opposed to me getting - helps me grow. It is in trying to give that growth happens. It is in wanting to better understand those around me that growth happens. It is in wanting to improve that growth happens. And that enhances my sobriety.