Mini-Conference Saturday Evening Speaker

On Saturday, March 12 at 7pm, Tommy B., Area 19 Panel 65 Delegate (Chicago), will speak at the Mini-Conference. “”I have been sober since March 28 1981. From the beginning I have been fortunate enough to fall in with a group of people that stayed active with sober activities.” says Tommy. Click “Read more.” for details about Tommy.

Mini-Conference Meals – Yummy!

Saturday Meals at the Mini-Conference: Box Lunch $12 (Smoked Turkey Sandwich or Chicken Salad Sandwich with bag of chips, fresh fruit, granola bar and drink) and Carver’s Buffet Banquet $30 (prime rib, herb roasted pork loin, fresh vegetables, roasted red skin potatoes, waterloo salad/caesar salad, rolls and cheesecake).

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