September Assembly Materials

The agenda, minutes to be approved, inventory questions, election procedures and proposed 2017 budget are available for review before the Area 53 Assembly on September 11 at Blue Moon Conference center. Please review these materials before the assembly – they are posted on the Assemblies webpage.

Third Legacy Procedure

AA’s Third Legacy Procedure is a special type of electoral procedure, used primarily for the election of delegates and regional and at-large trustees. It is considered to be unique to AA, and at first glance, appears to introduce a strong element of chance into a matter that should depend solely on the judgement of the majority. (AA Service Manual, 2015-2016 Edition, page S21)

Area 53 Panel 65 Officers

With the Panel 67 elections coming up next Sunday (September 11), it is good to know those who have been your trusted servants for for the past 20 months as members of Panel 65. Be sure to show up, consider standing for an area office, and voting. Those eligible to vote at area assemblies include: GSRs , DCMs, the DCMC, Standing Committee Chairs, Area Officers and their Alternates, and Past Delegates. Alternates may vote in place of an absent GSR, DCM, DCMC, or Standing Committee Chair.

These people were elected in September 2014:

Kristi H., Delegate (); Frank G., Alternate Delegate; Peggy A., Chair (); Dan H., Alternate Chair; Dan S., Treasurer (); Sandy D., Alternate Treasurer; Barbi S., Secretary (); Matt P., Alternate Secretary; Ed A., Registrar (); Nita S., Alternate Registrar.

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