Information Segment: How Concept 12 Relates to Our Service and Personal Life

At the June 12, 2011 assembly, Dave C., Alternate Delegate spoke on the topic of “How Concept 12 Relates to Our Service and Personal Life.” Below is his talk.

This report has been a privilege and a re-discovery process for me.

In re-reading A.A.s history of Service in the Service Manual and in A.A. Comes of Age Iโ€™ve learned there is more to treasure than I have ever before realized. I recommend all trusted servants invest more time reading about A.A. history.

Concept 12, The General Warranties were originally presented to A.A. in Article 12 of the Original Conference Charter. The original charter for the General Service conference is found on S94 of the A.A. Service Manual. Article 12 of the Charter, The General Warranties of the Conference, were presented to the A.A. International Convention in St. Louis in 1955. For details read pages 223โ€“234 in A.A. Comes of Age.

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Area 53 September 2011 Assembly

Title: Area 53 September 2011 Assembly
Date: September 9, 2011
Location: Moose Lodge, 1201 Sugar Grove Road, Lancaster OH 43130 (click “Read more…” to see map)

Description: The Area 53 September 2011 Assembly will be held at the Moose Lodge in Lancaster Ohio. Check this post in August for the agenda. The assembly is always the second Sunday of March, June, September and December. Registration and fellowship starts at 9:30am and the assembly typically ends between 3p and 4p.

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