Principle of Rotation – Elections

Pamphlet The AA Group … where it all begins (P-16). Conference Approved Literature. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 2005, page 26.

Traditionally, rotation ensures that group tasks, like nearly everything else in AA, are passed around for all to share. Many groups have alternates to each trusted servant who can step into the service positions if needed.

To step out of an AA office you love can be hard. If you have been doing a good job, if you honestly don’t see anyone else around willing, qualified, or with the time to do it, and if your friends agree, it’s especially tough. But it can be a real step forward in growth — a step into humility that is, for some people, the spiritual essence of rotation.

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Next Assembly – June 3 in Hilliard Ohio

ust a reminder that the June Area 53 assembly is at 10:00 am, June 3, 2018 (Sunday). Registration opens at 9:30 am. Location is the Holiday Inn – Hilliard, 5495 Maxwell Place, Hilliard, Ohio 43228.

We have a full agenda including:

Report from our delegate’s experience at the General Service Conference in New York.
Report from our Mini-Conference Committee.
Request from the Mini-Conference for possible seed money for 2019.
A proposed Guideline change regarding representation of our “Young Peoples” to the area.
Discussion on the September elections.

Please come and share your ideas. While you’re at it, please bring someone new along to share the experience.

In service,

Ed A., Alternate Chairperson
Area 53, Panel 67

Area 53 Assembly – June 3

The next Area 53 Assembly is June 3, 2018 at the Holiday Inn Hilliard, 5495 Maxwell Place, Columbus Ohio 43228. Registration starts at 9:30am.

The agenda includes a report about the General Service Conference by Frank G. (Delegate), information sharing session on Area 53 September Elections, and discussion of adding a Young Peoples Liaison to the area guidelines. The agenda, minutes to be approved, some handouts, and a map to the location are on the Upcoming Assembly page.

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