Information Segment: How do we maintain singleness of purpose?

At the September 8, 2013 assembly, Peggy A., Alternate Delegate spoke on the topic of “How do we maintain singleness of purpose and still reach the newcomer (including the dually addicted)?” Below is her talk.

In the Language of the Heart: Bill W’S Grapevine Writings in the chapter “Problems Other Than Alcohol” on page 222 written in 1958 Bill W answers these questions.

While acknowledging that the withdrawal from drug addiction is horrible, and racks a person’s body and that it stirs our deep interest and sympathy, these are some important facts stated in this article.

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Information Segment: What is an informed group conscience?

At the June 2, 2013 assembly, Peggy A., Alternate Delegate spoke on the topic of “What is an informed group conscience? What is the importance of AA literature?” Below is her talk.

When I found my first home group and was told that I was expected to attend group conscience, my first question was, “What is that?”

That brings me to the subject the DCM’s ask me to research and report on: “What is a group conscience? What is a informed group conscience? What is the importance of AA literature?”

Tradition 2 tells us, “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority a loving God as he may express his self in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted ,they do not govern.” The pamphlet The AA Group on page 26 states, “…the group conscience is the collective conscience of the group membership.”

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