Area Committee Highlights – December 2016

Below are highlights reported by Area 53 committees at the December assembly. To learn more about area standing committees, visit the area committees directory.

Correctional Facilities Committee – Paul H.

  • On line requests for literature now work with any browser or email (
  • We still need a Recording Secretary for Panel 67.
  • Liz M. will stay on as alternate chairperson until a replacement is found.
  • If you attended the DRC volunteer workshop in September, call the volunteer coordinator at the institution that you applied for to see if your application was approved.
  • The first ever national corrections conference will be held in St. Louis November 10-12, 2017.
  • The annual CFC workshop will be held on April 22nd or 29th at Maple Grove Church.
  • $8500 was approved for literature purchases for the next quarter.

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CFC to Host Volunteer Training

Of the 16 Ohio prisons in our service area, six do not have regular participation from outside AA members.

The Area 53 Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) is working to minimize the obstacles to carrying the message inside Ohio prisons by hosting a convenient Saturday training for AA members willing to attend AA meetings behind the walls. The training will be held Saturday, September 24th, 10am at the COGF meeting room, 645 West Broad St. Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (ORDC) staff will conduct the training. This training is for new volunteers. If you are already approved to attend meetings within ORDC facilities you do not need to attend, although you are welcome if you want to review policies or have questions. The ORDC requires that volunteers complete 3-4 hour training course before going in. Usually, this is done one-on-one with Recovery Services staff when new AA volunteers ask. However, scheduling can sometimes be difficult for those who work. We hope to assist AA members in meeting these requirements by offering volunteer training on Saturday at a central location. A flyer is attached to this news article.

2016 CFC 13th Annual Workshop – April 2

Join us for a day of fabulous fellowship plus learn what we do and how to get more involved in sharing the AA message of HOPE inside and outside the walls. Workshop focuses on how we carry the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers, especially those confined in, or recently released from jails, prisons, and other correctional facilities. Fellowship and food from 8am to 9am. Workshop with lunch 9am to 2:30pm. See the news item or calendar for complete agenda.

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