Information Segment: How do we maintain singleness of purpose?

At the September 8, 2013 assembly, Peggy A., Alternate Delegate spoke on the topic of โ€œHow do we maintain singleness of purpose and still reach the newcomer (including the dually addicted)?โ€ Below is her talk.

In the Language of the Heart: Bill W’S Grapevine Writings in the chapter “Problems Other Than Alcohol” on page 222 written in 1958 Bill W answers these questions.

While acknowledging that the withdrawal from drug addiction is horrible, and racks a person’s body and that it stirs our deep interest and sympathy, these are some important facts stated in this article.

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Information Segment: What is an informed group conscience?

At the June 2, 2013 assembly, Peggy A., Alternate Delegate spoke on the topic of โ€œWhat is an informed group conscience? What is the importance of AA literature?โ€ Below is her talk.

When I found my first home group and was told that I was expected to attend group conscience, my first question was, “What is that?”

That brings me to the subject the DCM’s ask me to research and report on: “What is a group conscience? What is a informed group conscience? What is the importance of AA literature?”

Tradition 2 tells us, “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority a loving God as he may express his self in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted ,they do not govern.” The pamphlet The AA Group on page 26 states, “…the group conscience is the collective conscience of the group membership.”

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East Central Regional Trustee Report

I just receive Bill F.โ€™s Trustees report from the July General Service Board(GSB) business meeting held last weekend. Bill has been assigned to three committees on the GSB they are Archives, Literature and Finance.

Hope to see many of you 57th Ohio State Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous, this weekend, Aug. 2-4, at the Double Tree in Worthington.

In Service,
Dave C., Delegate Central and SE Ohio Area 53

Trustee Report

Bill F. – July 2013


2013 gross sales to date for the first six months to date (through June)are $6,484,189 which is $45,331 over the budgeted amount for the period. We are behind last years gross sales by $56,300. After subtracting warehousing costs, production costs and distribution costs, gross profit was $4,023,055. Gross profit was $166,5000 greater than budgeted but less than the first six months of 2012.

Group and member contributions are $25,049 over the budgeted amount for the first six months of2013 and $90,966 over the first six months of 2012.

Our net revenue adding contributions and gross profit from literature sales for the period of the first six months of 2013 is $7,636,443. This amount is approximately $194,000 greater than budgeted and $52,000 more than the first six months of 2012.

The total operating expenses of the first six months were $7,636,443 approximately $36,000 over the budgeted amount. Our expenses were $664,773 greater than the first six months of 2012.

The reserve fund has a balance of $16,279,256 and represents 10.8 months of 2013 combined operating expenses at present budget.

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Information Segment: The Spirit of Rotation

At the December 11, 2011 assembly, Dave C., Alternate Delegate spoke on the topic of โ€œSpirit of Rotation.โ€ Below is his talk.

I tried to research this topic looking first at the history.

I found rotation, as a practice, was used in A.A.s early days. And those Cleveland A.A. groups are credited with the first practice of rotation, as we know it. The old timers in Cleveland relied on rotation to give newcomers jobs. The practice, along with sponsorship, was a feather in the cap of Cleveland A.A. and provided A.A. with an experience that contributes to how we function and work together today.

I found in my research that rotation is a practical, organizational and spiritual principle. It is tied especially to the 9th Tradition. Let me read how it is noted in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Tradition.

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Information Segment: Anonymity in the Digital Age

Like the Tradition states Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. I understand fairly well the anonymity part of the title of this information segment. But the digital age idea is far beyond my skills of comprehending.

To be honest, somebody with vision had to shake up my rigid 20th century paper, books, magazines and pamphlets world view. That person was General Service Board Trustee Don M. when he spoke at the Ohio State Convention in August. Don made a point of reminding everyone that books and magazines — that print communications itself, is gradually dying.

Don said the General Service Boardโ€™s responsibility is to bring vision to its responsibilities and roles in our inverted pyramid of the A.A. General Service structure. And he urged A.A.s in their groups and Area committees to talk about how to better carry the message in a digital age.

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