Last Updated on September 6, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
December 2011 Area 53 Delegates Report
During the past quarter I attended the following: District 26’s Rule 62 Day, Grapevine Committee meeting, Special Needs-Accessibilities’ committee meeting (2), BYOBB committee meeting(3), District 17’s DCM meeting for Delegates report, Mini-conference Committee meetings (3), District 12 workshop, East Central Regional Forum, District 19’s GSR school and moderated COGF Board elections.
We’ve gotten the communication from JM in Area 54 who is program chairman for this coming years state convention. He sent along the line up of panels that are being planned during the weekend. There are eight and the lineup looks very good. Over the next couple months we will be looking for people who are interested in presenting at one of the eight panels I have one taker already. If you look over the topics and something strikes you please let me know and we will talk about submitting your name as one of the panelists. Just see me after the meeting and I will give you a list of the panel topics. One probably not too many people are that qualify for or nobody gets to volunteer for will be the old-timers panel. The subject of the old-timers panel is what service was like back then.
I got my winter edition of Box 459 the other day and I noticed right off that there is a deadline for AA directories. The article indicates that GSO is in the process of updating group records in order to publish a new directory mid next year. They’re saying that hard copies of updates should be to GSO by May 4 and FNV updates by May 11, 2012. If your group did not get listed in the current directory please get a group change form and fill it out with the correct information and remember to check the box at the bottom that says okay to publish. I think not checking that box has gotten a lot of groups left out of the directory that wanted to be there, so make sure that that you check the box if you want to be in the directory. For help with any of that please see Kelly C he will be happy to help you out.
Also arriving recently is the announcement that e-books will be available in early December that is the big book in the 12 steps and 12 traditions will be available in English French and Spanish in early December for the e-reader for Apple devices the android version of the AA E reader will be available approximately one month later. The AA e reader app may be obtained at no charge from the Apple App Store And Android Market.
The AWS committee reviewed the inventory of publications departments unfunded projects and advised moving three projects forward for inclusion in the 2012 budget. These items are the American sign language and CD formats for the new pamphlet AA for alcoholics with special needs; large print formats in French of the big book and 12 steps and 12 traditions and conference advisory actions summary booklet from 1989 to 2011 in French and Spanish.
From a financial standpoint we had total revenue from contributions, gross profit literature sales, and interest earned of $10,500,000. Contributions totaled $4.5 million, the gross margin from literature sales was $6.0 million and interest income was $529.
In Service,
Glen P., Delegate
Area 53, Panel 61