Mini-Conference Sunday Morning Speaker

Calvin L., past delegate from Area 54 in Northeast Ohio during 2013-2014 (Panel 63), will be speaking at the Mini-Conference on Sunday morning at 8:00am. Calvin has been sober since August of 2000. He has been active in Area 54 general service since 2002 when he started at the alternate GSR for the Mustard Seed Monday Night group. Read more about his service history.

2016 Mini-Conference Agenda

Area 53 Delegate, Kristi H., has received the General Service Conference agenda for 2016. She has selected six committee topics that will deliberate at the 2016 Area 53 Mini-Conference: (1) Cooperation With the Professional Community, (2) Corrections; International Convention; Treatment/Special Needs-Accessibilities, (3) Literature I, (4) Literature II, (5) Policy/Admissions; Public Information, and (6) Report and Charter. Read more to get the complete committee agendas.

Another Mini-Conference Testimonial

“I was humbled & in awe to play a small part in the service of alcoholics anonymous. I frequently hear at meetings that the folks sitting in a regular meeting are the most important members of AA. Its true! The voices of my home group members were heard at the mini-conference and all the committee members truly were the trusted servants of their groups. Can I ever be grateful enough?”
–Eileen L.

Stories We Tell

“From my very first AA meeting, I have felt the magic in the rooms- the spirit of carrying the message. My first Mini-Conference in 2005 I had just celebrated my first year anniversary. And at a time when I was experiencing a spiritual awaking, my exposure with a mass of seasoned AAers coming together for the future of AA only heightened my spiritual experience and compelled me more to becoming ‘I am responsible’.” Who said this?

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