Seven Days Until …

the Area 53 ELECTION for area officers and delegate who will serve 2015-16 on Panel 65. We hope your home group plans to send their representative to cast a vote for these trusted servants. If you have questions about the duties of your area officers or the election process, visit the Area 53 website. (As a favor, please inform at least one other person and encourage them to represent. There are very few subscribers to this newsletter as of Sep 6, 2014. – thanks!)

Election Info: The Principle of Rotation

Pamphlet The AA Group … where it all begins (P-16). Conference Approved Literature. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 2005, page 26.

Traditionally, rotation ensures that group tasks, like nearly everything else in AA, are passed around for all to share. Many groups have alternates to each trusted servant who can step into the service positions if needed.

To step out of an AA office you love can be hard. If you have been doing a good job, if you honestly don’t see anyone else around willing, qualified, or with the time to do it, and if your friends agree, it’s especially tough. But it can be a real step forward in growth — a step into humility that is, for some people, the spiritual essence of rotation.

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Area 53 Sep 2014 Assembly – ELECTIONS

Title: Area 53 Sep 2014 Assembly – ELECTIONS
Date / Time: Sept 14, 2014 – 9:30am registration
Location: Moose Family Center, 1201 Sugar Grove Road, Lancaster OH 43130

Description: The Area 53 Assembly is held at the Moose Family Center in Lancaster Ohio on the the second Sunday in Sep. Registration and fellowship starts at 9:30am and the assembly typically ends by 5pm. Here is the Area 53 Guideline information on elections:

Article XII – Election of Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate,
and Area Officers

1) At the September Area 53 Assembly Meeting of each even-numbered year, the Area Assembly will hold elections of the Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, Registrar, Alternate Registrar, Secretary, Alternate Secretary, Treasurer, and Alternate Treasurer.

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Area 53 Panel 65 Elections

The agenda for the September 14, 2014, assembly will follow the suggestions found in Chapter Four of The AA Service Manual in the section titled “A Typical Election Assembly.” All voting members of the Area Assembly are eligible to vote for the Panel 65 (2015-16) officers. The most important voting members of the Area Assembly are the Group Service Representatives – GSR.

The election will be chaired by a past delegate, who will open the session by reviewing “A Typical Election Assembly” and “The Third Legacy Procedure” from the service manual. The Panel 65 Delegate will be chosen first, followed by Alternate Delegate, Area Chairperson, Alternate Area Chairperson, Treasurer, Alternate Treasurer, Secretary, Alternate Secretary, Registrar and Alternate Registrar.

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Information Segment: Opening a Group Checking Account

At the June 1, 2014 assembly, Stephen S., Area Chair, Panel 63 (2013-14), presented on the topic “Opening a Checking Account.”

Opening a checking account in the name of a group, district or standing committee is no longer a straight forward process. Federal regulations now require groups to supply an “ID number” before they can open a checking account. Area 53’s DCM Committee has expressed confusion and frustration over how to obtain an acceptable number, and requested that an Information Session on the subject be presented at an Area Assembly. Because there has been a range of group experiences trying to open checking accounts, we decided to add a Sharing Session once the information has been presented.

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